Return Policy

At 91ÃÛÌÒ (Registration Number: 202448154H), we are committed to providing you with accurate and up-to-date company information through our comprehensive reports. We understand that there may be instances where we are unable to deliver the report as promised due to reasons beyond our control. In such cases, we offer a flexible return policy to ensure our customers' satisfaction.

  1. Delivery Commitment

    91ÃÛÌÒ commits to delivering the requested reports within a maximum of 2 working days, excluding public holidays. Please note that we cannot acquire the latest data during public holidays, and our delivery timeline does not include these non-working days.

  2. Non-Cancellation Clause

    Once an order has been placed, it cannot be canceled due to a change of mind or because the customer no longer needs the report. Please ensure that you review the sample report available on our website to understand the type of data provided in our reports before placing an order.

  3. Refund Limitations

    We cannot issue refunds unless we ourselves are unable to deliver the reports. This is because, once you place an order, 91ÃÛÌÒ incurs expenses to acquire the data on your behalf. As a result, refunds will only be provided in cases where we are unable to deliver the report due to the government not releasing the latest data about the company in question (usually caused by ongoing restructuring).

  4. Full Refund Policy

    If 91ÃÛÌÒ is unable to deliver the report you ordered due to the reasons mentioned in section 3, we will issue a full refund for your purchase. The refund will be processed through the original payment method within 5-7 business days.

  5. Store Credit Option

    Alternatively, if you would prefer store credit instead of a full refund, 91ÃÛÌÒ can issue a credit equivalent to the value of the undelivered report. This store credit can be applied to any future purchases on our platform. The store credit will be valid for a period of 12 months from the date of issue.

  6. Return Request Procedure

    If we are unable to deliver your report(s), you can choose store credit instead of a refund. To initiate a return and request a refund or store credit, please follow these steps:

    1. Contact our customer support team at within 14 days from the date of your order (but no later than when your order is delivered).
    2. Provide your order number, the reason for your return request, and your preference for a refund or store credit.
    3. Our team will review your request and confirm the eligibility for a refund or store credit within 3-5 business days.
    4. Once approved, we will initiate the refund or issue store credit as per your preference.

If you have any questions about the contents of our reports or need assistance with your order, feel free to reach out to our customer support team for further clarification.

We appreciate your business and will always strive to provide you with the best possible service. Thank you for choosing 91ÃÛÌÒ